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James de Wet, a seasoned trader with 24 years of experience in trading currencies, stocks, and commodities, is equipped with postgraduate degrees in science and philosophy. With a successful track record of managing a multi-million dollar fund and trading for a prestigious European bank, his expertise is unparalleled.​

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  • Learn to Swing: Swing trade any market confidently!
  • Proven Strategy: Used by hedge funds and asset managers.

“James has better market insights than anyone I've come across - by far! I don't understand why he doesn't have 6-figure view counts; I guess you need Hollywood to keep people's attention. He is the only person I subscribe to now. I went through so many of his past videos, backtested a lot of his positions. and was blown away. He was right MOST of the time, which really says something”
Kristopher, Energies Trader - All Rights Reserved @ 2019 - 2024
Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
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